The fear of the unknown… 

Right now is a very worrying time for us all, across the world. It’s like Christmas on steroids.


It seems as if things have almost come to a halt there are two major splits between us, those who are very serious about what’s going on and those who aren’t as serious. There is no right or wrong in this case, I feel it’s becoming very easy for us to be completely consumed by what’s going on. In the bigger picture family members are at risk and our loved ones, at this time it can seem hard with how we move forward. 

Do you continue to work towards the goals you have set, do you stop and wait until time passes but how long will time be. The uncertainty of this is the fearful part of it all. I appreciate the huge plans that we have had for 2020 and how heartbreaking it will be for them to be changed and potentially canceled. As we are hit with so many unknowns it’s so important you keep just doing you, we do what we can in terms of work and living our lives. We continue, we continue to attend our classes virtually or training from home we continue to eat well and hydrate and sleep well. We continue this way of life we have been building over the past years, months and weeks. 

Just now for myself I feel almost overwhelmed with the whole situation, it’s very hard not to. Each of us will feel differently in this situation there is no correct way to take each day. In the first week, I finished my to-do list for 2020, 2021 and 2022. I try not to overthink the future or even think about the next day because it’s so unclear. I try to wake up most mornings either at 5.45 am for a class or 7 am the other days these are not on. I am trying to maintain as much of a routine as possible but what is a routine now. My 14hr shifts have dropped to 1 hr each day if that. I find my self with this unlimited amount of time, to be with my own thoughts and my own company. I am at home with my family and we do what we can together. I have been filling my time with a lot a lot a lot of baking and even more exercise I even took on the 100 burpees a day challenge (madness I know) I can’t seem to find a happy medium with life right now I am either all in or nothing. I find myself pacing around my house to get my steps in, cycling 20k or running every other day. Taking part in 3 classes and then a workout again to put the cherry on the cake. I am grateful to have this much energy and health that I can do so, but I also have the feeling of am I trying to do too much all the time. Are we all the same, trying to crame as much as we can into each day, whether it be to work on a project or teach our children new skills, cook, clean and do our own work from home.


If you are struggling like most of us are right now, do not feel the actions you are taking are on your own. For many of us will be doing the same, just now we have tried to keep as much normality as we can with classes and seeing one another via zoom. These 30min classes having been a lifesaver for me, they have given me a true purpose in my days, a reason to get up and get out of bed and move.

I didn’t put my watch on for my class I taught 2 Fridays back, to come to the realization that this is the last time I will see my community of amazing ladies for I’m not sure how long is very sad. For many of my family I get to see on a weekly basis I won’t know, I kick my days off at 5.30 mostly every day and they don’t end until I step foot through the door at 9 pm most nights I spend my day in my car going around Ayrshire eating in there and working when I need to my life is always outside of my house, I use a day off to train and go out my bed is for sleep and that’s about it.


This slower-paced life terrifies me and trying something new like taking us online also sends butterflies in my tummy too. This is a new chapter I never expected, a new chapter to see a new coach and what she can do for you all. These classes are for me as much as they are for you, my routine is my life and I need it now more than ever.

How can I help?

I can’t really no one can, all we can do it use this time as best as we can to look after our selves and our families. To enjoy the beautiful homes you have created to love your little ones and hug your hairy children even tighter. To use this time to laugh and love to live at home and live happily. We won’t always see the good in what is going on but we must try, we must try to credit our selves for doing the right thing as hard as that might be. I urge you to try new things, to dust down an old bike, get those cake trays out and pull the book from the shelves and start reading. I urge you to do what makes you feel happy, to have Disney days and Pj days and parties online, use technology more than we did before to continue to connect with one another and be together.


I hope we can continue to spread our positivity of exercises to as many as we can for as long as we can. #weareone and we will get through this together.

As always, lots of love

Lucy x

Lucy Thomson